Gender Inequity
Flying Solo: Imogen's story
Sleep deprivation will make you desperate. In episode five of Flying Solo, Lynda Chanwai-Earle meets a solo-parent who's in the majority - 33 year old Pakeha mother Imogen and her 4-year-old son… Audio, Gallery
Flying Solo - a cop and a solo dad, Henare's story
In episode four of Flying Solo, Lynda Chanwai-Earle meets a Wellington police constable who has been a solo dad full-time since his son was five. Audio, Gallery
Flying Solo - solo parent Tamsyn's story
In the third episode of Flying Solo, Lynda Chanwai-Earle meets single-working parent Tamsyn Matchett who knows a thing or two about being discriminated against, especially overcoming the stigma around… Audio, Gallery
Equal pay? Not for women of colour
According to Statistics NZ, women from our Pasifika communities earn the least in our country, on average only 67% of what a Pakeha male might earn. Gender inequity is a global issue but how does it… Audio, Gallery
Equal pay? Not for women of colour
According to Statistics NZ, women from our Pasifika communities earn the least in our country, on average only 67% of what a Pakeha male might earn. Gender inequity is a global issue but how does it…