Greenhouse Gases
RNZ's climate correspondent on greenhouse gases
Eloise Gibson talks agriculture's role in the production of greenhouse gases, what people get right and wrong about methane, and explains exactly what the ETS is. Audio
Capturing greenhouse gases for farm feed
In a Rotorua lab scientists are cooking up plans to create stockfeed out of captured greenhouse gases from geothermal power stations Audio
Business leaders call for meaningful climate action
The Climate Leaders' Coalition - whose 96 signatories are responsible for almost 60 percent of the country's greenhouse gas emissions - will today officially launch a Statement of Ambition, which aims… Audio
Beef and Lamb's Greenhouse Gas Calculator
Farmers will need to know how much greenhouse gas their farms are producing by the end of next year. There are at least ten tools at the moment they can use including Beef and Lamb's GhG Calculator… Audio
Fonterra pledges to reduce greenhouse gases
A dramatic pledge to cut greenhouse gas emissions has been made this morning by New Zealand's largest economic entity, Fonterra.
Cheap emissions deal to be scrapped
A special 50 percent reduction on climate change obligations for New Zealand citizens and companies will be scrapped.
China's Energy Transition
Why China matters to climate change and climate change matters to China. With Professor Ross Garnaut, research fellow in economics at University of Melbourne. Audio
Naked Science: Living at altitude and friendless fish
The latest science news with Dr Chris Smith. This week, how higher CO2 levels in our oceans could affect fish behaviour. Also why Tibetans are so good at handling high altitude. Audio
Insight Sunday 15 April: Carbon Neutrality
The Prime Minister Helen Clark wants New Zealand to become carbon neutral. She says it's a vital aim in the effort to tackle the effect of greenhouse gases on global warming. Chris Bramwell reports on… Audio