National Party
The fights over mining the Coromandel, and more fights to come
Conservation groups, prepare for battle – we're likely to see more mining applications as the country's new chief executive promises economic benefits from going underground. Audio
The fights over mining the Coromandel, and more fights to come
Conservation groups, prepare for battle – we're likely to see more mining applications as the country's new chief executive promises economic benefits from going underground.
AudioKa kite for Māori Health Authority?
The clock is about to be wound back on Labour's Māori health initiative despite pleas that it should be given more time to prove its worth. Audio
Ka kite for Māori Health Authority?
The clock is about to be wound back on Labour's Māori health initiative despite pleas that it should be given more time to prove its worth.
AudioThe Week in Detail: Pasifika MPs, 95bFM, and comic books
The Detail podcast brings you the issues behind the news every weekday. Here's what we covered this week. Audio
The Week in Detail: Pasifika MPs, 95bFM, and comic books
The Detail podcast brings you the issues behind the news every weekday. Here's what we covered this week.
AudioThe Week in Detail: West Coast's blue flip and hazing rituals
The Detail podcast brings you the issues behind the news every weekday. Here's what we covered this week. Audio
The Week in Detail: West Coast's blue flip and hazing rituals
The Detail podcast brings you the issues behind the news every weekday. Here's what we covered this week.
AudioDamien O'Connor's shock loss in West Coast-Tasman
Few pundits flagged the West Coast, birthplace of the Labour Party, to be part of the big blue swing this election. Audio
Damien O'Connor's shock loss in West Coast-Tasman
Few pundits flagged the West Coast, birthplace of the Labour Party, to be part of the big blue swing this election.
AudioThe election aftermath and the unanswered questions
There's a lot we still don't know after election day. Here are the answers to those lingering questions from Saturday night. Audio
The election aftermath and the unanswered questions
There's a lot we still don't know after election day. Here are the answers to those lingering questions from Saturday night.
AudioNational Party to discuss strategy after the rugby - Bishop
The National Party leaders will discuss strategy around forming a government this afternoon, after they have "watched the rugby", says campaign chair Chris Bishop.
Bishop has told a Morning Report… Audio
National promises to impose tougher sanction on beneficiaries
National is promising to impose tougher sanctions on beneficiaries who repeatedly fail to turn up to job interviews. Punishments could include mandatory community work or having their welfare support… Audio
National says traffic light policy for beneficiaries driven by 'love'
Cruel, dehumanising and out of touch. That's one description of National's policy to get more beneficiaries into work. But party leader Christopher Luxon's reckons it's a policy driven by love. If in… Video, Audio
Sir John Key to Chris Luxon - 'I would advise him to rule Winston in'
"Hello is that you Winston? Christopher Luxon calling." That's exactly the scenario painted by the National leader, who sent a smoke signal to voters via social media this morning. "It's crunch time"… Video, Audio
National to evict unruly Kainga Ora tenants if elected, so where would they go?
National's plans to evict unruly Kianga Ora tenants will just see more people living in cars and substandard lodges according to one policy analyst. The party says there is deep community frustration… Video, Audio
National and ACT on track to govern comfortably in latest poll
National and ACT are on track to govern comfortably alone in the latest Newshub-Reid Research poll Labour's dropped 3 points to 32.3 per cent. National's popularity is up to 36.6 per cent. As for the… Video, Audio
The Week in Detail: Productivity, political slogans, and Healthy Homes
The Detail podcast brings you the issues behind the news every weekday. Here's what we covered this week. Audio
The Week in Detail: Productivity, political slogans, and Healthy Homes
The Detail podcast brings you the issues behind the news every weekday. Here's what we covered this week.