Our Changing World – The science behind dog welfare
We love our four-legged friends. But are we looking after all their needs? Audio
Dog health tips book with recipes included
How would you like the recipe for Banana honey biscuits or Beef Bourguignon with Mussels? These are just a few of the dishes that can help increase longevity and fitness not for you but for your dog… Audio
Mark Vette: How much is too much on vet care?
Animal behaviorist Mark Vette joins us with advice on how to negotiate the practical and emotional aspects of health spending for our animal companions. Audio
Pregnancy and pets: what you need to know
Dr Kat Littlewood, a veterinary specialist and Massey University lecturer in animal welfare talks with Kathryn about pets and pregnancy. Audio
Pet owners encouraged to call before taking animals into emergency care
For many New Zealanders, they're part of the family. But what should you do if your precious pet is sick or hurt and and the vet clinic is closed. It's a scenario we're being urged to think about… Audio
The Week in Detail: From pandemic pets to Wellington's budget woes
The Detail podcast brings you the issues behind the news every weekday. Here's what we covered this week. Audio
Tips for being safe around animals (dogs in particular)
Even the gentlest of family pets can bite - for a range of reasons. Research by Auckland emergency doctor Dr Natasha Duncan-Sutherland has found there are around 25,000 dog-related injuries recorded… Audio
Pet owners fed up with woman feeding their cats questionable food
Residents in three Christchurch suburbs want the police, the SPCA and the local MP to help stop a woman they say is harming their pets. Cat owners in Papanui, Bryndwr and Bishopdale are tracking a… Video, Audio
'Pawsome' - Auckland Transport to let big dogs ride the bus
Auckland Transport's going to the dogs, literally. From next week big dogs will be allowed on buses in the city. Terms and conditions apply.
It follows what AT's described as the "p-awesome" success… Video, Audio
Auckland trials pets on buses, but must be in a carrier cage
Auckland Transport is having a six-week trial of small pets on all Auckland bus services from Boxing Day. The catch - they have to be in a carrier that sits on its owner's lap. AT's Group Manager of… Video, Audio
St John scouting for therapy pets programme
St John is scouting for more than 100 volunteers for a very special programme, and it's pretty fussy about who will qualify. For starters, volunteers are assessed for their temperament - and their… Video, Audio
Hundreds of pets missing treatment as vet clinics lacking staff
A Wellington vet says hundreds of sick or injured pets in the city could be missing out on treatment because of clinic closures and lack of staff.
It comes amid a nation-wide shortage of vets, with… Audio
Demand for Auckland pet refuge triples under lockdown
A pet shelter in Auckland for animals from abusive households says demand for their service has tripled since lockdown began.
Since opening just two months ago Pet Refuge is getting more and more… Video, Audio
Virtual vet appointments launched in lockdown
A new online clinic set-up in lockdown will make sure pet care doesn't suffer. Massey University's Robert Sawicki talks to Jesse about why it will become an important tool even after lockdown. Audio, Gallery
Puppies are biologically wired to communicate with people
A new study has revealed that puppies are born ready to communicate with people. Evolutionary biologist Gita Gnanadesikan is with us to discuss the study's findings. Audio
Prefer pets to people? You're not alone
A recent study out of Australia showed that about a third of people there would rather spend time with their pets than people, with women more likely to prefer their furry friends to humans. And it's… Audio
Canine obsession: The not-so-secret life of dogs
Author Simon Garfield's latest book, Dog's Best Friend, draws upon history, science art and the writer's own personal experiences with his black Labrador retriever Ludo, to dissect the enduring… Audio
Presidential pets: Andrew Hager
As Historian-in-Residence of the Presidential Pet Museum Andrew Hager records the menagerie of domestic animals that have called The White House home. Recently Donald Trump's failure to own a pet… Audio
Esther Woolfson: loving our pets to death
Is the way we breed and keep pet animals essentially cruel and unethical? Esther Woolfson is an Scottish author and animal lover. Her latest book Between Light and Storm: How We Live With Other… Audio
South Canterbury couple have a high fiving pigeon
South Canterbury couple's rescue pigeon likes to high five people when they wander past his cage. Audio