Plastic Waste
Udder Way milk kegs cut down cafe's plastic waste
There's an udder way for cafes wanting to do away with single use plastic milk bottles. An Aussie company has joined forces with a Waikato milk supplier which is filling resuable milk kegs.
The 18… Video, Audio
Plastic ban approaches 1 year anniversary
No penalties or warnings have been issued, and much of our plastic waste is still shipped off overseas. Audio
New Zealanders send 97 million plastic containers to landfill every year
WasteMINZ has released their research on plastic recycling around the country with some startling results. They found that every year 97 million recyclable plastic containers are going to landfill… Audio
Call for national plastic recycling strategy
Not all plastics are created equal, when it comes to recycling - in fact many everyday products, like ice-cream containers, can not be recycled at all. Audio
Next plastic to be targeted to improve the environment
Associate Professor Terri-Ann Berry talks about the next single use plastic which the government is looking to phase out. Audio
The Poly-cycling octopus
In this episode of Voices; we meet two eco-warriors from the Pacific region intent on spreading the zero waste message to communities and the next generation. Produced by Sara Vui-Talitu. Audio
The Poly-cycling octopus
In this episode of Voices; we meet two eco-warriors from the Pacific region intent on spreading the zero waste message to communities and the next generation. Produced by Sara Vui-Talitu.
AudioDeepest-ever sub dive finds plastic waste
An American explorer has found plastic waste on the seafloor while breaking the record for the deepest ever dive.
Are corporates taking responsibility for plastic waste?
Dr Elspeth McRae is chief innovation and science officer at the Crown Research Institute, Scion, which is working on alternatives to petroleum-based plastic. Dr McRae is on the board of the Packaging… Audio
NZ's role in the Malaysian plastics dumping ground
Our plastic is becoming Malaysia's problem - Nita Blake-Persen investigates what really happens to the waste we're shipping overseas to be recycled. Video, Audio
Christchurch business turns plastic waste into art
Those odds and ends of unrecyclable plastic like milk bottle tops and bread bag tags littering your kitchen could one day be used to 3-D print a new washer or machinery part. That day is still a wee… Audio
Plastic deposit schemes
There are drastic moves afoot in the UK to battle the tide of plastic waste. We talk to Warren Snow of Envision NZ about getting a plastic containor deposit scheme up-and-running in New Zealand. Audio
Clean up focus for West Coast on Waitangi Day
West Coasters will mark Waitangi Day with a working bee to clean up beaches around Greymouth following last week's storm.
Turning ocean plastic into jandals
Plastic waste collected on beaches is being turned into something most of us wear to the beach – jandals. The two New Zealand brothers behind Subs came up with the idea 16 months ago. Audio, Gallery