Around the motu: Che Baker in Invercargill
Che talks to Kathryn about why Southern mayors can't keep out of the news, the intentional poisoning of trees, Henry the tuatara's keeper calls it a day after 52 years and the Routeburn Classic Trail… Audio
Pick your poison
Could there be poison growing in your backyard right now? Toxicologist Dr Leo Schep is no stranger to poisonous plants after spending nearly two decades at the National Poison Centre. Audio
The hidden costs of streaming music
In his book, Decomposed: The Political Ecology of Music, Kyle Devine examines the hidden or overlooked costs of online listening. Devine wants people to understand that there is no such thing as a… Audio
Case #011 - The Poisoned Professor
Canterbury plant scientist David Lloyd fell severely ill in suspicious circumstances in 1992.
The ensuing investigation became known as the 'poisoned professor case'. Audio
Are Auckland's ruru being poisoned?
Ruru (moreporks) are falling sick in our largest city, and so far there's no official cause. Some speculate it's secondary poisoning from eating rats or mice that have ingested rodenticide. Audio
Arsenic - the well-known poison
Arsenic is a well-known killer that was once dubbed 'succession powder'. Join Allan Blackman from AUT in episode 6 of Elemental, a journey through the periodic table. Audio
Arsenic - the well-known poison
Arsenic is a well-known killer that was once dubbed 'succession powder'. Join Allan Blackman from AUT in episode 6 of Elemental, a journey through the periodic table.
AudioGovt funds research into alternative to 1080
The Government has committed $19.5 million to find alternatives to 1080 poison, in line with New Zealand First's opposition to the pesticide. Audio
“Killing: such an ugly word, isn’t it?” – but four experts say it’s not only a good thing, but essential
Kim Hill explores the scientific and ethical dilemmas posed by the current campaign for the eradication of pests such as the possum from New Zealand by 2050 with a panel of experts including… Audio
1080 poison drop declared 'outstanding success'
The poison drop in Northland's Russell State Forest all but wiped out rats and dropped possum numbers by 80 per cent, according to DOC.
1080 explained
Anti-1080 protestors punctuated their gathering at Parliament yesterday by offering up some dead native birds and mice. There's a claim the birds were "bludgeoned" to death - an illegal act - and a… Audio
What to do about cats
Cat owners are concerned about a plan to reduce the radius of notification for a deadly poison. Some are worried pet cast could accidentally come across the poison. Audio
Protester explains rat poison protest targeting Nick Smith
Nick Smith says Rose Renton rubbed poison in his hair and clothes, but she maintains she only ever touched him lightly. The case opened in the Nelson District Court today before two justices of the… Video, Audio
Russian spy poisoning: UK vs Russia
Russia analyst Stephen Dalziel and former British Ambassador to Russia, Sir Tony Brenton, discuss the diplomatic fallout between the UK and Russia following the poisoning of former Russian spy Sergei… Audio
Poisoner: the story of Thomas Hall
"The most vile criminal ever to be tried in New Zealand" Thomas Hall's crimes scandalised New Zealand when it was revealed he had attempted to murder his wife in order to steal her family fortune. Audio
Why don't poisonous frogs poison themselves?
Dr Chris Smith of The Naked Scientists brings us the latest from the world of science news and research.This week the global pharmaceutical giant Novartis has just got USFDA approval for a new class… Audio
Taranaki stream returns positive test for 1080
Opponents of 1080 have accused the Department of Conservation of downplaying the discovery of traces of the pest control poison in a Taranaki stream. Audio
Four die in Fiji from fish poisoning
Four people have died in Fiji from fish poisoning and another is in hospital in the village of Somosomo in Gau.
Dave Hansford - 1080 A poisonous debate
Dave Hansford is the author of Protecting Paradise: 1080 and the fight to save New Zealand's wildlife. Hansford argues the science is clear: 1080 is a vital tool in the battle to save our forests and… Audio
Acrylamide in food: should we be worried?
Acrylamide's a chemical produced when starchy foods are cooked at high temperatures, so we ingest low doses of it in things like chips, toast, cereal and instant coffee. It's been in the news in… Audio