'Defend the shed' - how the poultry industry has been preparing
Avian flu has been found on an Otago chicken farm for the first time in New Zealand's history. It's something the poultry industry has spent months preparing for and we take you inside a North Island… Audio
Farms flooded in Canadian province
The Canadian Province of British Columbia has been inundated with floodwaters - 18,000 people have been stranded, roads, houses and bridges have been destroyed and farms are awash. Country Life speaks… Audio
Counting the breeds - a census of rare breeds in NZ
The Rare Breeds Conservation Society wants to know how many rare breed animals are in New Zealand and where they are located. Audio
Wendyl Nissen: Living Simply Through the Seasons
A Natural Year follows Wendyl Nissen's tranquil life in the Hokianga countryside over a twelve month period. She joins the show to discuss her new book and how the move to self-isolation in the… Audio
That's Hentertainment!
"Hentertainment" is a way of keeping hens laying - and happy - at Henergy, an egg business on the outskirts of Masterton. Henergy founder Graeme Napier was the first egg producer to get the SPCA blue… Audio, Gallery
European Farming Insights
Former RNZ Rural News reporter Alexa Cook is traveling through Europe with her partner. She tells Cosmo about the farming observations she has made in Ireland and Scotland. Audio
Tegel profits fall, sales flat
The country's biggest poultry producer, Tegel, has reported a drop in profit and flat sales.
A lot to crow about
This year, 1250 birds were entered into the Waikato Poultry and Pigeon Club's championship show. It's a beauty pageant that organisers hope will delight members of the public so they too will decide… Audio
Vanuatu pig and poultry owners reminded of capital ban
Pig and poultry owners in Vanuatu's capital, Port Vila, are being warned to get rid of their animals or face hefty fines.
Duck for cover!
Winning poultry prizes is becoming a habit for 27-year-old duck breeder Richard Price, who rears his quacky birds on a 12 acre lifestyle block in Mosgiel. Last year his Pekin drake won ''best duck in… Audio
Poultry safety system is robust, govt insists
The poultry industry is under pressure to clean up its act in a bid to reduce campylobacter rates, but the government insists the current food safety system is robust. Audio
Epidemic 'could be turned off overnight'
With thoughts turning to Christmas turkeys roasting in the oven or chicken sizzling on backyard barbecues, the poultry industry is under pressure to clean up its act in a bid to reduce campylobacter… Audio
Epidemic 'could be turned off overnight'
A public health researcher wants the way poultry is prepared and sold changed to stop what he calls a campylobacter epidemic.
Poultry farm fined for illegal workers
A poultry farming business has been fined for employing five Samoans who should not have been in New Zealand.
Michael Brooks: poultry and antibiotics
Executive Director of the Poultry Industry Association of New Zealand, and of the Egg Producers Federation of New Zealand, and New Zealand Feed Manufacturers Association. Audio
Kiwi learning about the US bird 'flu problem
A New Zealand veterinarian has just returned from the United States where he learned about its battle with avian influenza.