Restorative Justice
Justice Committee focus on youth justice
Parliament's justice committee has been hearing experts on youth justice, the age of criminal responsibility, and better outcomes from alternative approaches to justice. Audio
Justice Committee focus on youth justice
Parliament's justice committee has been hearing experts on youth justice, the age of criminal responsibility, and better outcomes from alternative approaches to justice.
AudioCentrepoint survivor: 'Adults who failed us need to step up'
A new documentary, Heaven and Hell - The Centrepoint Story - airs tonight. It's a gruelling but powerful watch - mainly from the perspective of some of the former children of the commune, including… Audio
Tim Chapman - Restorative justice in Northern Ireland
Tim Chapman is from Northern Ireland, where he works in the area of restorative justice in the community and in prisons. He was employed by the probation service for 25 years and is now teaching a… Audio
Restorative justice: how it actually works
Retired District Court and Youth Court judge Fred McElrea and Chris Marshall (pictured), the Diana Unwin Chair in Restorative Justice at Victoria University, are experts in the application of… Audio
2018 Waitangi Rua Rautau Lecture by Dr Kim Workman
Dr Kim Workman explores the historical background to why Maori imprisonment rates are high and still rising, and considers what the alternatives to our current approaches are. Audio
Tourist escapes prison over road accident
After taking part in a restorative justice meeting, an American tourist who killed two people in a road accident has escaped a prison sentence. The victim's sister Leash King joins Checkpoint. Video, Audio
Restorative justice clogging up courts and causing big delays
Under a December 1st law change, all cases that result in a guilty plea, and where there is an identifiable victim must be adjourned and referred to restorative justice. Lawyers and judges say this is… Audio
Criminal lawyers not compensated for extra work from law change
The Criminal Bar Association says defence lawyers aren't being paid for the extra work created by a new restorative justice law. Audio
Rushed restorative justice changes clogging courts
Lawyers say a new restorative justice law has been rushed and has left the court system struggling to cope with demand. Audio
New law creates administrative nightmare for courts
A new law, brought in just six weeks ago, is causing major backlogs at some district courts. Audio
Spiritual Outlook for 13 October 2013
On Cycle-to-Work Day, Joanna Davison was hit by a car on her way to her job teaching Nursing Studies at Northland Polytechnic in Whangarei. After her initial anger, she reached a stage where she felt… Audio