Social Workers
Social workers among new additions to immigration green list
The government has widened its net on importing health workers, saying it will help the country cope during a global shortage in the sector - as New Zealand heads into winter.
It's added 32 new roles… Video, Audio
Oranga Tamariki struggles to recruit social workers
Oranga Tamariki is struggling to recruit several hundred more social workers as it faces new demands to protect and help vulnerable children. Audio
Govt's chief social worker unregistered with board
After the government proposed requiring all social workers to be registered, it has emerged the country's senior social worker is one of those not on the list. Audio
Govt wants all social workers registered
Less than a week after the government indicated it wanted all social workers to be registered, its emerged the country's senior social worker doesn't comply with the new rules. Audio
Social workers to prove they are fit for the job
Social workers will have to be registered under a proposed new law designed to put them under greater scrutiny.
Social worker shortage leaving children at risk, say lawyers
A shortage of Child Youth and Family social workers and a lack of resources is leaving children at risk of abuse and neglect, say family lawyers.
Social Workers compulsory registration
Parliament's Social Services select committee, is set to start hearings into whether there should be mandatory registration of social workers this week. Nearly 6000 social workers are voluntarily… Audio
Flagship project for at-risk families underresourced
Front-line social workers are warning that abused and neglected children could be left worse off because a flagship project for at-risk families is being undermined by a lack of resources. Audio
Mother in social worker sex case
The mother of a boy who says he had sex with his social worker when he was 15, says she felt "mixed up" about her son having a female looking after him. Audio
Children's Commissioner says CYF failing children in state care
Five thousand children are in the care of the state but a new report by the Children's Commissioner questions whether they are better off as a result of that intervention. In his first comprehensive… Audio
Why are unqualified people able to practise as social workers?
The Social Workers Registration Board is urging the government to make registation mandatory, where currently it is voluntary. It says that there are 12 thousand people who identified their profession… Audio