Summer 34 – Three decades of albatross research
Journalist Rebekah White meets two people who have been counting albatrosses on remote islands in the subantarctic for more than three decades. Their research shows that at least one species is en… Video, Audio
Summer 34 – Three decades of albatross research
Journalist Rebekah White meets two people who have been counting albatrosses on remote islands in the subantarctic for more than three decades. Their research shows that at least one species is en…
AudioOur Changing World – Erect-crested penguins
Erect-crested penguins lead largely unknown lives on some of New Zealand's most remote subantarctic islands. A research team travels south to unlock this enigmatic species' secrets. Audio
Watching the weather in the far southern seas
A group of young New Zealanders and two meteorologists travel to South Georgia Island in the southern Atlantic Ocean to collect weather observations – continuing the scientific legacy of early… Audio
Watching the weather in the far southern seas
A group of young New Zealanders and two meteorologists travel to South Georgia Island in the southern Atlantic Ocean to collect weather observations – continuing the scientific legacy of early…
AudioOur Changing World – Weather watch at South Georgia
Early Antarctic explorers made weather observations that are still useful today. Peregrin Hyde travels to remote South Georgia Island to collect weather data that continues this legacy, using both… Audio
New Zealand’s Antipodes Islands – remote, wild, and special
An ambitious project to rid the remote Antipodes Island of introduced mice proved successful in 2018. Claire Concannon visits the spectacular subantarctic island to meet the locals – from penguins to… Audio
New Zealand’s Antipodes Islands – remote, wild, and special
An ambitious project to rid the remote Antipodes Island of introduced mice proved successful in 2018. Claire Concannon visits the spectacular subantarctic island to meet the locals – from penguins to…
AudioOur Changing World – The Antipodes Islands
The rugged and remote Antipodes Islands are home to a fantastical array of wildlife – from pipits to elephant seals. Claire Concannon joins an expedition to the islands where researchers are counting… Audio
Our Changing World for 30 July 2020
In search of southern right whales and digitising old weather records to predict future climate. Audio
Life on 'The Sponge', tales from Macquarie Island
Penguin colonies, albatross, elephant seals, the Southern Lights and science! Audio, Gallery
Southern right whales returning to mainland New Zealand
A southern right whale in Wellington Harbour is a sign that the species is recovering after being hunted nearly to extinction. Audio
Southern right whales returning to mainland New Zealand
A southern right whale in Wellington Harbour is a sign that the species is recovering after being hunted nearly to extinction.
AudioThe Coastwatcher legacy
The Coastwatchers were small groups of men posted to New Zealand's subantarctic islands during the Second World War to watch for enemy shipping. Ian Telfer visits one of their historic huts. Audio, Gallery
The Coastwatcher legacy
The Coastwatchers were small groups of men posted to New Zealand's subantarctic islands during the Second World War to watch for enemy shipping. Ian Telfer visits one of their historic huts.
AudioSeabird Central at the Bounty Islands
In winter the Bounty Islands are just bare rock. In summer they are packed with breeding Salvin's albatrosses and erect-crested penguins Audio
Seabird Central at the Bounty Islands
In winter the Bounty Islands are just bare rock. In summer they are packed with breeding Salvin's albatrosses and erect-crested penguins
AudioExpedition to Subantarctic Antipodes Island
Alison Ballance joins a DOC expedition to remote Antipodes Island, and discovers its strange - and noisy - inhabitants Audio
Expedition to Subantarctic Antipodes Island
Alison Ballance joins a DOC expedition to remote Antipodes Island, and discovers its strange - and noisy - inhabitants
AudioGoing on a Spider Hunt
The Bounty Islands are just bare rocks in a wild ocean, but nonetheless they are home to a large endemic spider - and no one has ever seen a mature male Audio