BANG! Episode 2: Sex and Sensibility
In episode two, we explore how teens deal with sex ed, relationships and the influence of pornography. Plus famous Kiwis travel back in time to deliver sex advice to their teen selves. Audio
Today's millennial is yesterday's masher
In the 1880s, young urbanite New Zealand men borrowed a new well-dressed style from the streets of west London. Audio
Parenting an anxious teen
Now is not an easy time to be a teenager and those who have anxiety need help from their parents to manage it, parenting consultant Nathan Mikaere-Wallis says. Audio
Close to 10,000 sign young woman's mental health petition
Lucy McSweeney, 21, took a petition to the steps of Parliament today calling for better mental health education in schools. Video, Audio
Under pressure: equipping teenagers to cope
Mental skills trainer and counsellor John Quinn tells Kathryn Ryan how he's focussing on equipping teenagers to cope with stress and pressure. Audio
Manawa Ora: Courage is Contagious
Ten teens who have slipped thorugh the cracks in terms of mainstream education or formal training are going to be centre stage at the Herald Theatre this week. Video, Audio
Teenagers' tech use
Professor Sonia Livingstone of the London School of Economics and Political Science has been conducting a year-long study that's followed a class of 13 year olds in the UK to see how they're using… Audio
Pilot project for homeless in Christchurch hopes to expand
A trial project in Christchurch to convince landlords to rent to homeless teenagers and families is being hailed as a success even though it's not all been smooth sailing. Audio
NZ teenagers to be quizzed on how they cope
Just how well equipped New Zealand teenagers are to live an increasingly connected world is going to be tested alongside how good they are at reading, maths and science. Audio
Nathan Mikaere-Wallis on teenage drinking
Parenting expert Nathan Mikaere-Wallis on teaching teens to be responsible around alcohol. Audio
Flaxmere - everyone needs to lift their game
A Flaxmere man working to reduce family violence says families and the community need to look to themselves, not government agencies, to solve problems in the Hastings suburb. Audio
Welfare agencies failed to prevent teen girl suicides
A coroner's report on the deaths, of four teenage girls in the Hasting's suburb of Flaxmere, over a 13 month period, has criticised the lack of coordination among government agencies. Audio
Tolley says Flaxmere suicides highlights failings
A coroner's report on the deaths of four teenage girls in the Hastings suburb of Flaxmere has criticised the lack of coordination among government agencies. Audio
Five teenagers likely to face serious charges
Five teenagers are likely to face serious charges after a liquor store burglary led to a police chase across Auckland last night. Audio
Parenting - Advice for young part-time job seekers
Some advice for teenagers as they navigate the High School years, and want to earn some spending money on the side. Eric Bittner owns Cafe Derailleur in Victoria, at a place called Wangaratta a couple… Audio
Feature interview - Nancy Jo Sales
Anyone with a teenager in the house, especially a teenage girl, knows how much time they spend on their phones and on social media. But they aren't just trading gossip. NetSafe warns most New Zealand… Audio
Ted Dawe: why we need to talk about teen sex
Author Ted Dawe says he is still angry at the way a Christian group had his book Into the River banned, and says they were "vindictive".
Parenting - Psychologist Ben Sedley
Ben Sedley is a Wellington based clinical psychologist and ACT therapist (Acceptance and Commitment). He has experience working with children, adolescents and families facing mental health… Audio
Banned NZ book's fate to be decided
Whether New Zealand's first banned book in 20 years remains off-limits to teenagers could be decided today.
When to let kids make mistakes and when to step in
Nathan Mikaere Wallis is founder of X Factor Education in Christchurch. He was formerly with the Brain Wave Trust and has been a lecturer at the Christchurch College of Education, lecturing in human… Audio