Smart girls
Late at night, after a long day working for one of the most celebrated live comedy shows on TV, Amy Poehler and her best friend, producer Meredith Walker often talked not about the heights their… Audio
The Falling - film review
Simon Morris looks at the recent burst of women-oriented films - including The Falling. Video, Audio
Why punishing teenagers won't work
Nathan Mikaere Wallis is part of the Brain Wave Trust, and X Factor Education, Christchurch. He has been a lecturer at the Christchurch College of Education, lecturing in human development, brain… Audio
Twenty-year- old Alice Oseman on her debut novel
British author Alice Oseman was just 17 years old when she wrote her debut young adult novel, Solitaire, which she describes as being about "a pessimistic 16 year old who gets a wake-up call at the… Audio
Teen Parent - 16 and pregnant
Victoria Scheule was 16 and pregnant. She's now a qualified primary school teacher and the mother of a seven year old. She credits the support she received from He Huarahi Tamariki - a school for… Audio
Dr Frances Jensen - The Teenage Brain
They can be moody, messy and irresponsible, to the point where at times you may wonder what happened to those loving little children you once knew. Anyone who's had a grumpy teenager in the house… Audio
Naked Science
Dr Chris Smith with the latest science news. This week, using nanoparticles to unclog narrow arteries, and a study showing babies born to teenage dads are more likely to experience birth defects. Audio
3000 teens take up babysitting certificate
Most teenage babysitters will have a good working knowlege of your pantry, and the TV remote, and are bound to have figured out what your Wifi password is, but how much do they actually know about… Audio
Teenage girls pressured by peers to sext
Research shows that while young people are increasingly privacy savvy around "stranger danger" while navigating their online lives, teenagers - especially girls - are coming under more pressure from… Audio
Parenting: Teenagers translated
Janey Downshire and Naella Grew are both qualified counsellors who specialise in teenage issues and emotional literacy. Their book Teenagers Translated - How to Raise Happy Teens translates current… Audio
Sir John Kirwan on helping teens
Former All Black, now successful coach, John Kirwan has encouraged many men to seek help for depression - he has now turned his attention to helping teenagers with mental health issues. His book Stand… Audio
Children's Books with Kate De Goldi
Kate reviews two books for older teenage readers: Pink Smog: Becoming Weetzie Bat by Francis Lia Block and Razorhurst by Justine Larabestier. Audio
Teenagers' tech use
danah boyd's a technology researcher for Microsoft who looks at the way teenagers use technology in her book "It's Complicated: The Social Lives of Networked Teens". Audio
New venture offering live music and support for teens in Nelson
A major push is literally on the road in Nelson to stop teenagers being tempted by alcohol and drugs. Audio
Judge Andrew Becroft and Graeme McCann
Principal Youth Court Judge Andrew Becroft, and Graham McCann, principal of Rosehill College in Auckland discuss issues related to teenagers. Audio
Parenting with Nathan Mikaere Wallis
Risk taking behaviour, decision making, sleep patterns, communicating with your teen, drugs and alcohol and the teenage brain, the impact of technology and social media. Audio
Insight for 3 February 2013 - Teenage Self-harm
Sally Round investigates if more needs to be done to help self harming teenagers Audio
Professor Richie Poulton does fascinating work at Otago University with a wide variety of human beings, including what's often regarded - by their parents at least - as a somewhat mysterious lifeform… Audio
Turning lives Around
Cosmo Kentish-Barnes heads into Canterbury's iconic high country in search of a horse trek run by the Christchurch based 180 Degrees Trust, that operates development programmes for teenagers who have… Audio
Insight for 14 February 2010: Arson
Sue Ingram investigates research that suggests arson by young people can indicate a link to other more serious offences Audio