Antonia Watson
ANZ's Antonia Watson talks to Guyon about billion dollar bank profits, whether we're paying too much for our mortgages and why she thinks it's time for a Capital gains tax. Video, Audio
Do the wealthy pay their fair share of tax?
Do the wealthy pay their fair share of tax? Three recent reports have come to very different conclusions. An Inland Revenue investigation has found New Zealand's wealthiest families pay less than half… Audio
Rich-lister wants capital gains tax
One of the country's rich listers surveyed in a government report on who pays the most tax says he supports a capital gains tax as do most of the ultra-wealthy.
A two-year investigation by Inland… Audio
Expert Max Rashbrooke on tax inequality
Max Rashbrooke is a senior associate of the Institute for Governance and Policy Studies at Victoria University of Wellington and has written extensively on income inequality in New Zealand.
He talks… Video, Audio
NZ richest reap rewards of tax system - new report
An Inland Revenue investigation has found New Zealand's wealthiest families pay less than half the amount of tax, across all forms of income, than most other New Zealanders.
RNZ political editor Jane… Audio
How to simplify your time management with the 'rule of four'
Many of us go through life as if one day, eventually, we might get through everything on our to-do lists and satisfy everybody's demands. This is simply impossible, says writer Oliver Burkeman, so we… Video, Audio
Why time has always been against us
In his new book, About Time: A History of Civilization in Twelve Clocks, time expert and historian David Rooney paints a horological history of human civilisation, told through twelve world-changing… Audio
Comparonomics: Why your life is better than you think
If you try and compare your life to that of Louis XVI you might think that there's no comparison. The notorious French king had riches, servants and palaces, including that epic one at Versailles. Yet… Audio
Davos Man: the billionaires who looted the world's economies
"Davos Man: a member of the global billionaire class that controls the majority of the world's wealth". In his new book, New York Times global economics correspondent Peter S. Goodman contends that… Audio
Why the Law Commission is reviewing succession law
The Law Commission is currently reviewing succession law, which is the law that addresses who should get a person's property when they die. It's important law that affects all New Zealanders… Audio
Why happiness doesn't cost any money at all
A new study out of McGill University shows that people in societies where money plays a minimal role can have a level of happiness comparable to Scandinavian countries which typically rate highest in… Audio
How to break out of the 'toxic money mindset'
Psychologist Ashley Whillans has surveyed thousands of adults around the world about time and money. Unsurprisingly, most people focus too much on working and making more money, and not enough on… Audio
Why are we so secretive about money?
A recent survey in the UK found that one in four people keep money secrets from friends and family. On this side of the globe, we are no less coy about our financial lives. Olivia Fleming has written… Audio
Punk Economist: 'The most prudent thing to do now is spend'
One of the world's most high-profile economists says the only way New Zealand will stop its burgeoning housing market being a driver of inequality is through wealth taxes. Audio
The craziest travel requests from the super rich
The notion of travelling anywhere further than the corner dairy has become a distant memory for many of us, but for the super rich, holiday planning continues to be a case of pushing the envelope. Audio
NZ's wealthiest, worth 68 times more than the average NZer
Wellington based writer and 2020 J D Stout Fellow at Victoria University, Max Rashbrooke, has been crunching the numbers from the 2017-18 Household Economic survey and uncovered a big wealth gap. Audio
Welcome to the elite world of investment migration
The mega-rich are using their wealth to cross borders that would normally be closed or become involved in residence-by-investment, with the end result being a "golden visa". And New Zealand is an… Audio
How beautiful young women are used to boost the status of men
Dr. Ashley Mears is a former fashion model turned academic sociologist. Her new book Very Important People looks at how clubs and restaurants pay promoters to recruit beautiful young women to their… Audio
Professor Emrys Westacott: Covid-19 pandemic 'spells the end of the neoliberal era'
Many have revelled in a return to a simpler life due to Covid-19. Professor Emrys Westacott, who wrote The Wisdom of Frugality, says this is a time to reflect on whether the type of society we had… Audio
Top economists back trans-Tasman bubble concept
International economist and author Steve Keen and former Reserve Bank economist Michael Reddell join the show to discuss the post-Covid-19 economic prospects for New Zealand and the trans-Tasman… Audio