Whale Stranding
The mammoth job of managing stranded whales
Euthanising a beached whale is an unpopular move. But sometimes trying to save it is worse. Audio
Whale-saving invention ready for summer
The remote and wind-swept beaches inside Farewell Spit, at the north-west tip of the South Island, have long been a whale death-trap. In February this year, it was the scene of mainland New Zealand's… Audio
Bittersweet victory after massive whale stranding
It seemed a near-hopeless task, but crowds rallied to the calls of desperate, dying whales. Tracy Neal reflects on what has become mainland New Zealand's biggest stranding.
Update on whale stranding with expert Liz Slooten
Reporter at the scene of the whale stranding gives us an update and whale expert from Otago University's zoology department, Liz Slooten talks about why they do this. Audio
Whale stranding update
The Department of Conservation, Project Jonah, Whale Recue, and volunteers have refloated 100 of over 400 Pilot Whales which stranded at Farewell Spit overnight. Volunteer Bridie Griffiths talks about… Audio
Mass whale stranding at Farewell Spit
Kathryn Ryan speaks with Nelson journalist Nina Hindmarsh from Farewell Spit, where 400 whales have stranded - and urgent efforts are underway to refloat the survivors. Audio
Volunteers refloat whale near Christchurch
A rare false killer whale which stranded on a popular Christchurch beach has been floated after it was found this morning alongside an already dead companion.
Stranded orca to be buried in the sand
An orca whale set to be buried in sand dunes may have recently given birth, Department of Conservation says.
Why do whales become stranded?
New Zealand has one of the highest rates of whale strandings in the world - but why do they become stranded and what can be done to help them?
Stranded pilot whales die
Twenty-two pilot whales refloated in the Bay of Plenty yesterday have all died now after stranding themselves again. Audio