Transparency International Papua New Guinea says it is vital for the government to go ahead with plans for an Independent Commission Against Corruption, but says it should be more than just window dressing.
PNG has been wracked by corruption with a former prime minister, Sir Mekere Morauta, saying it is systemic, though the Peter O'Neill government has had success in rooting out offenders with its Taskforce Sweep.
TI's president, Lawrence Stephens, says the government appears committed to establishing an ICAC but he says it will only work if the other elements of good governance are in place and properly funded.
"The police for example, the Ombudsman Commission for example, the courts another example or even the prison system. Without all these institutions functioning properly then an ICAC would only be window dressing and there is some concern that this may be the outcome, unless attention is given to the other areas."
Lawrence Stephens of Transparency International Papua New Guinea