Bounty Islands
A tale of two islands – erect-crested penguins
The Bounty Islands are tiny in terms of area – just some bits of granite jutting out of the ocean. But they are huge in terms of seabirds. James Frankham joins a team researching the erect-crested… Audio
A tale of two islands – erect-crested penguins
The Bounty Islands are tiny in terms of area – just some bits of granite jutting out of the ocean. But they are huge in terms of seabirds. James Frankham joins a team researching the erect-crested…
AudioOur Changing World – Erect-crested penguins
Erect-crested penguins lead largely unknown lives on some of New Zealand's most remote subantarctic islands. A research team travels south to unlock this enigmatic species' secrets. Audio
Going on a Spider Hunt
The Bounty Islands are just bare rocks in a wild ocean, but nonetheless they are home to a large endemic spider - and no one has ever seen a mature male Audio
Going on a Spider Hunt
The Bounty Islands are just bare rocks in a wild ocean, but nonetheless they are home to a large endemic spider - and no one has ever seen a mature male